Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Baghdad Shop Keepers Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

Shopkeepers in Baghdad have decided that enough is enough, or at least that is what appeared to happen today. According to the Traci Carl of the Associate Press (as reported on MyWay.com), shopkeepers took up arms against insurgents who had just shot up cars and people, reportedly injuring three people, including a woman and a child.

Could this be the beginning of the end for the insurgency? I certainly think it marks an important turning point in this campaign. Just the fact that it was reported in the MSM is important. Of course, or illustrious senator Boxer happened to be in Iraq as part a delegation of US dignitaries, and still managed to downplay the success the world has witnessed in Iraq.

The problem for the left is that there are more and more signs that GWB was right and they were wrong. It will be a very interesting future that unfolds throughout the Arab world, and equally interesting how the left responds. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I was just re-reading Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and he says," The United States today is the fruit of a paradigm shift." And then goes on to say, "And a constitutional democracy was born, unleashing tremendous human energy and ingenuity, and creating a standard of living, of freedom and liberty, of influence and hope unequaled in the history of the world." I guess the point is that democracy and freedom ARE contagious, and the whole middle east is becoming "infected" with them. Powerful stuff...