Friday, September 10, 2004

Left-Wing Bias of the Associated Press

Almost all of the recent polls have shown George Bush pulling ahead of John Kerry, some by as much as 11%. I would expect to see the polls shift back and forth several times in the remaining weeks of the campaign, but the leftward bias of the Associated Press (AP) is showing ever clearer each day.

Their September 10th article describing the results of their own AP-Ipsos Public Affairs poll begins by showing that GWB has gained on almost all issues, including the War in Iraq and job creation:

"Seven weeks before Election Day, the Republican is considered significantly more decisive, strong and likable than Kerry, and he has strengthened his position on virtually every issue important to voters, from the war in Iraq and creating jobs - two sources of criticism - to matters of national security and values.

Since the Democratic National Convention ended in late July, the president has erased any gains Kerry had achieved while reshaping the political landscape in his favor: Nearly two-thirds of voters think protecting the country is more important than creating jobs, and Bush is favored over Kerry by a whopping 23 percentage points on who would keep the United States safe."

So far, so good. But then they describe the demographics of support for Kerry and Bush:

"The AP-Ipsos-Public Affairs poll showed minorities, urban residents and other Democratic voters unified behind Kerry, as would be expected in the fall. But he lost ground in virtually every other demographic group: lower educated voters, suburbanites, rural voters, the middle class, married couples and baby boomers."

The clear implication from that paragraph is that only red-neck idiots would vote for Bush.

You can read the entire article here, but we believe this is just the latest example of bias in the media.

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